
Lady Justice Grace Nzioka has sentenced Joseph Irungu alias Jowie to death for the murder of Monica Kimani.

The sentence according to Nzioka was based on the severity of the act emphasizing on the manner in which the deceased’s life was taken.; She said that she considered how the offence was committed, consequence of the offence and the personality of the accused person.

“It was not a defensive act. It was not out of provocation. It was planned, intended and executed,” ruled Justice Nzioka.

She termed  the gruesome murder of Monica Kimani as scary, horrific and threatening.

She added that the murder of the deceased left a trail of shuttered dreams and broken dreams.

The sentence was delivered according to section 24 of the penal code.

The judge highlighted submissions by the prosecution on the “serious and grievous harm occasioned to the deceased” using a weapon they described as “dangerous.”

The first accused’s character was also put on the stand and was termed as aggressive and proud.

The sentence is meant to protect the society from the perpetrator who is the first accused, its also meant rehabilitate the convict and also prevent more cases of the same sort from happening.

She further noted the intricate planning of the offence, adding that there was no degree of provocation by the deceased to the accused adding that the perpetrator had no intention of allowing the deceased a chance to live.

She further noted the intricate planning of the offence, adding that there was no degree of provocation by the deceased to the accused.

The sentencing comes a month after Jowie was  found guilty of the murder that happened at Lamuria Gardens apartment in Nairobi on the night of September 19, 2018.



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