Rita Tinina

Journalist Robert Nagila has shared a moving tribute to his late partner Rita Tinina, during her requiem mass that was held at the Holy Family Basilica, Nairobi.

Nagila, who shares a daughter with Rita, said that he was broken by Tinina’s death.

He however pointed out that she had made legacy just before her 46th birthday.

“Over the past few days the question that has constantly run through my ears  from well wishers more than any other question is  is how are you doing. Today as I stand here before you, the answer to that question is that I am broken. However broken things can be mended, whereas the loss of a loved one is absolute. We all spend a lifetime chasing a legacy that we hope to be remembered for. What is remarkable is Rita established her legacy, just shy of her 46th birthday,” he said.

He also recalled the moment he first met Rita admitting she was stubborn.

“When our paths first crossed your beauty, laughter and warm heart touched me. But you are also the most stubborn person I ever met,” he said. “I shall miss you dearly, Mama Mia.”

“Last Sunday, your phone stopped ringing. Your passing has left a void that cannot be filled. But I am comforted with the fact that the memories of time spent will leave on with us.”

Nagila also comforted their daughter Mia Malkia.

“My dearest Mia, your mother loved you more than anything else in this world. You were her best friend her confidant. And every single thing she did was centred around you and your future. Know this, You are loved so much and there is nothing we would not do for you,” he said.

Rita Tinina, who worked at NTV, passed away a week ago due to acute pneumonia.

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