
Comedian and  digital media entrepreneur Eddie Butita has come out to openly assure all content creators that he is on their side.

In an interview, Butita admitted that the future is bright for content creators in the country.

“ Eeh the future is bright now this is an industry. Kwanza nataka nianze kuwatetea ,this week Kuna hii mambo ya finance bill Kuna gap ya 24,000 nataka kuwatetea ibaki hapo,” Butita said

Comedian Timothy Kimani alias Njugush has also been on the forefront, championing for content creators. Last week he  was among panelists on Citizen TV during a discussion on the Finance Bill

He followed that up with an official statement, where 8 organizations in film, performing arts, music, visual art, literature, and sports, submitted their views to the National Assembly committee.

“In our memorandum, we have highlighted specific proposals that will hurt the growth and opportunity within our sector. It should be noted that Kenya’s creative sector contributes 5% to the national GDP, creates jobs, and is a contributor to a happier and healthier lifestyle.”

They sought to remind the Government of their commitment to the creative industry.

“Further, it is clear that the government has a vested interest in seeing Kenya’s creative sector prosper. Therefore, to realize the full potential of this sector.”

The memorandum seeks to outline the proposals the National Assembly Committee should reject.

For example, all musicians on SKIZA will now receive less revenue because Skiza is traded in airtime and the payments are made net of applicable taxes.

“We recommend that VAT and Excise on airtime internet and data be waived as this Is not a value-added product.”

There is also a bill table by Senetor Okech in senate ,Kenya’s creative economy is set for a boost following the introduction of a new Senate Bill.

The “Creative Economy Support Bill, 2024,” sponsored by Senator Eddy Oketch, seeks to establish a comprehensive support mechanism for individuals and organizations within the creative industry.

“Establish mechanisms for the support of the persons in the creative industry; to enhance the contribution of the creative industry to the economy; to establish the Creatives fund; and for connected purposes,” read part of the Bill.



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