Kabi WaJesus, a renowned Kenyan content creator, recently made headlines by sharing the intriguing story of how he met his wife, Milly WaJesus. In a candid revelation, Kabi disclosed that his wife, Milly WaJesus, was previously in a relationship with one of his friends before they tied the knot.
Kabi clarified that despite the prior connection between his friend and Milly, he did not steal her away from his friend, emphasizing that they were not married at the time. He emphasized his respect for their relationship and maintained a platonic interaction with Milly, even though his friend often praised her physical attributes.
Their friendship continued even after Milly’s relationship with Kabi’s friend ended. However, it wasn’t until Kabi underwent a spiritual transformation in 2013 that their relationship took a romantic turn. Milly began showing interest in Kabi’s social media posts, leading to private messages and face-to-face meetings.
“So huyu beshte yangu walichana na Milly for like two years and he started dating someone else who I also knew. We still used to be in communication with Milly, as friends though.”
“So I was born again in 2013 and that was the turning point. She was also into me. She used to reply to my Facebook posts. She got into my DM and requested that we meet and talk about one or two things…” he said.
Kabi expressed his commitment to fidelity in his marriage, asserting that he cannot cheat. “I cannot cheat. I cannot even flirt with another girl, I can’t. I block people. There are DM’s where you just know someone is hitting on you,” Kabi said.
He acknowledged his past mistakes but attributed his transformation to the grace of God. Despite his previous lifestyle, Kabi expressed gratitude for finding love and stability in his marriage with Milly.
In sharing their story, Kabi and Milly continue to capture the hearts of their audience, not just as content creators but as a couple who have overcome challenges and found lasting love in each other’s arms.