Eric Omondi

Comedian and actor Eric Omondi and his partner Lynne Njihia recently opened up about their personal lives in a candid interview, offering a glimpse into their relationship and family.

The couple, who are parents to a young daughter named Kyla, addressed various questions that provided a deeper understanding of their bond.

When asked if Eric Omondi who is known for his tough dealing with the government, is as tough or humble at home, Lynne in her response said.

“You know there is Eric Omondi the public figure and then there is Eric Omondi my spouse, Baba Kyla. They are two different people,” she explained.

She emphasized that the comedian’s private life with his family is very different from his public image.

“Ukileta Kyla hapa ndio utajua Eric Omondi,” she noted this suggesting that their daughter brings out a more tender side of Eric Omondi as a father.

The conversation also touched on the genesis of their relationship. When asked who made the first move, Lynne was quick to reveal that it was Eric who made the first move.

“Ni yeye alinikatia,” she confirmed this with a smile.

One of the most touching moments of the interview came when Lynne shared a memory that deepened her affection for Eric. She spoke of an instance where Eric demonstrated his selflessness and care.

“Alikuwa na slippers na Mimi nilikuwa na sneakers zilikuwa zinanifinya. Akanitoa akanipea zake yeye akatembea miguu tupu,” she recalled.

“That’s why I liked him,” she added, illustrating how a simple act of kindness left a lasting impression on her heart.

This interview showed a different side of Eric Omondi as a devoted partner and a loving father. He gained his publicity as a comedian at Churchill Show which was being aired on NTV on Sunday evenings.

While the love birds continues to navigate their lives together, their openness about their experiences and the love that they share for their daughter Kyla makes them adored by fans providing an inspiring example of balancing public careers with private happiness.



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