rita tinina

Politicians around the country have paid tribute to veteran journalist Rita Tinina was discovered dead in her room on Sunday  by her house help.

According to police, Tinina, 46, was found dead in her house along Laikipia Road in Kileleshwa, Nairobi on Sunday, March 17 in the morning.

Rita who worked for NTV as an Output Producer was supposed to report to work but her failure raised eyebrows, with her managers sending colleagues to her house to establish what was wrong. This is where they were met by the news of her untimely death.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga paying his respects to Rita said her legacy of storytelling and integrity will continue to live.

 “In times of loss, we reflect on the profound impact individuals like Rita Tinina have had. From her earliest days at NTV, Rita’s dedication to journalism left an indelible mark on Kenya’s media landscape. Her passing leaves a void in the industry, yet her legacy of storytelling and integrity will endure. My heartfelt condolences go out to her loved ones and colleagues. May God grant them strength and fortitude,” Raila said.

President William Ruto also shared his condolences.

“My sincere condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of Rita Tinina – a pioneer and a trailblazer in TV journalism. Rest In Peace, Rita,” he said.

Digital Strategist Dennis Itumbi also took to his social media to mourn NTV journalist Rita Tinina in an emotional tribute.

Safiri salama Rita Tinina. In journalism, you remain a great journalist. Despite representing major stations while I worked for smaller media houses, your humility stood out as we covered events together. I remember how you pushed me to apply for a role at The Voice of America. You were a super storyteller, and that made you stand out as a great journalist. Your stories will never fade. They are only a @YouTube away. Journalists never DIE; they merely SIGN OFF. Rita Tinina, SALUTE!” #RIPRitaTinina” Itumbi reminiscing on their moments together.

Tana River Senator Danson Mungatana during an interview with KTN has expressed his condolences to the family and friends of journalist Rita Tinina following her death on Sunday.

“I remember her as a person who was dedicated to her work. When we had these press conferences or some big stories, she would be there and on time and deliver with precision.”

He also condoled with Tinina’s daughter who he said he prays for her to grow well and hopefully fit her mother’s shoes.

“I want to say sorry to the family and pray that the girl that has been left will grow up and fit into the big shoes that her mum has left. We wish them well and the family, and may God rest her soul in eternal peace,” Mungatana said.

Tinina is survived by an 8 year old daughter.

Her body was moved to Umash Funeral home awaiting an autopsy.

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