
Bumula MP Jack Wamboka has poked holes in to the wrong things that went on during  the burial of the late Chief of Defence Forces General Francis Ogolla, according to the traditions, norms and culture of the people from the Western and Nyanza parts of Kenya.

According to him, it was wrong for Ogolla’s son, Joel Rabuku, to declare that he would now be taking care of his mother. Wamboka noted that such a responsibility should be taken up by Rabuku’s uncles.

“Kijana yetu, sisi kama wanawestern tuko na mila, tamaduni na desturi. Kitu ya kwanza, Gen Ogolla alipokufa, bibi  ya Ogolla ni property ya jamii ya Ogolla ikiongozwa na his  uncles, ndugu zake. So it is wrong kijana kusema mimi naenda kutake care of mama yangu, we unajua needs zake. This was very very unfortunate,” Wamboka said.

Aside from that, the MP called for Rabuku’s cleansing saying he touched his father when he was naked. Rabuku was among those who descended to the grave to receive and lay the body of late general.

“Mzee akikufa, kama Ogolla, mtoto wake hafai kumshika akiwa uchi. Nilipoona kijana akienda kwa kaburi kurecieve baba yake na unajua hakuwa kwa jeneza alkikuwa uchi, hio lazima watafute watu wazee wafanye tambiko, hio haikuwa mzuri.

“Wasipofanya tambiko hii mtoto ameharibika,” he claimed.

Wamboka further told Rabuku that he should allow people to mourn the CDF in whatever way they wanted because he was also the country’s property.

“It is absolutely wrong and unacceptable. Kenyans wanted the truth about the death of the General. Wewe kijana tunakuombea Mungu akupatie nguvu uendelee kumourn baba yako lakini wacha sisi tumourn Gen. Ogolla kama wakenya,” he concluded.

Also Read:“Hii Ni Upuzi” Angry Wajackoya Rants After Being Locked Out Of Gen. Ogolla’s Burial Site



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