Mumias East Mp Peter salasya was on Wednesday charged in Mumias court with assault. Salasya appeared before resident magistrate court Magistrate Marcello Onyango and took the plea for assault.

Salasya appeared before Mumias Senior Resident Magistrate Marcello Onyango and took plea for assault and grievous bodily harm charges.

Onyango granted a sh50,000 bond to the lawmaker and set mention of the case for February 19 and a hearing on March 12.

The Mp presented himself in court after the magistrate ordered him to do so, he failed to appear in court on Tuesday and claimed he was sick through his social media pages, where he is seen being hospitalized.

Salasya was charged with assaulting Malaha/Isongo MCA Peter Walunya during a funeral service last Friday, he denied the charges.

Prosecution led by Arnold Magina asked the court to cancel bond terms for the accused after he failed to appear in court on Tuesday. Magima argued that the cash bail issued to the accused by police cash bail be forfeited by the state and a warrant of arrest issued against the Mp for failing to appear in court as directed.

The magistrate directed the investigating officer to file before the court a comprehensive medical report from the Agha Khan Hospital where the lawmaker was allegedly hospitalized, since there is no document that has been presented before the court to show why the accused failed to appear.

The controversial lawmaker has been in the recent past brush shoulders with various politician’s including the Kakamega governor and ph has been on the public glare for the wrong reasons.

He is facing criticism from a section of Kenyans on social media regarding his conduct in the public. Even with a string of controversies hanging around his neck, recent polls have ranked him among the top performing young MPs. The youthful lawmaker has a huge following on social media and endears himself to the young generation.


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