
A section of leaders from Nairobi County have come out to criticize Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja’s administration terming is as “the most incompetent and morally degenerate” county government.

Led by Dagoretti South Mp John Kiarie, the leaders accused Sakaja’s administration as the reason behind Nairobi County’s deteriorating state.

“It is our observation that Nairobi could be facing its worst leadership crisis at City Hall in the capital’s history. The dream that was sold during the campaigns of a city of order, dignity, hope and opportunity has turned into a nightmare. Nairobi is becoming clamped in an ever-tightening chokehold of an arrogant and dangerously corrupt leadership,” said Kiarie.

They also during their address to the press accused the governor of gross financial mismanagement of funds that include paying ghost workers among issues such as the widespread sewerage problems, garbage mountains in residential areas among others.

Calling for a change in leadership at the City Hall, Kiarie urged the Senate, to prioritize Nairobi and hold Governor Sakaja accountable for the capital’s bad state.

“The Senate which has the constitutional mandate of oversight over counties must process the  Nairobi situation with urgency. Governor Sakaja must account to the citizens through appearances before the Senate. He must be invited to make the record straight and he must honour the invites.”

They also called upon all relevant audit, oversight and investigative bodies to come together and intervene and save the County from what they termed as shackles of mismanagement and incompetence.

“Nairobi deserves and is demanding for a leadership that has a plan. Nairobi deserves a leadership with a clear vision, a leadership that relies on a well thought through master plan as the cardinal guiding instrument that will be informing all policy decisions, legislative proposals, programs and project decisions,” said the MP.


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