Pastor Ng'ang'a

Controversial televangelist Pastor Ng’ang’a has sparked mixed online reactions after he charged his congregants ksh 1000 for a bottle of water during a church service.

Apostle Ng’ang’a is known for his radicle practices that many deem inappropriate for a Christian. On several occasions, he has been seen raining abuses on his congregation.

On a recent video online,Pastor Ng’ang’a is seen collecting ksh 1000 from the congregants that are seated at the front seats with the water bottles and threatening those without the money to give him their shoes.

“I want to see,maji nimekupatia maji,io maji mtalipa kila mtu ksh 1000 mtalipa,kila mtu.mko na deni yanyu lete elfu moja,bring one thousand,lete pesa zangu.hamuwezi kunichukulia maji yangu hapa bure,lete,lete”Pastor Nganga is heard saying


Pastor James Ng’ang’a is a prominent personality in Kenya’s religious scene, distinguished by his distinct combination of charm, controversy, and unconventional  preaching methods.

Apostle James Ng’ang’a founded the Neno Evangelism Ministry in 1992, and since then, he has opened multiple branches around Kenya.

Despite multiple conspiracies, his miraculous healings and miracles have drawn a large flock of followers to his congregation.

Neno evangelism has its headquaters in Nairobi and is one of the biggest church in the capital.

With a name that appeals to both ardent devotees and inquisitive observers, Pastor Ng’ang’a has made a name for himself as a spiritual guide, an enthralling performer, and a divisive character in the field of religious debate.

Well-known for his unconventional style of preaching. His sermons frequently go beyond the bounds of conventional theological discourse by using humor, candidness, and unexpected moments that leave congregants and online audiences alike in a state of intrigue.

From comedic banter with his wife during sermons to incorporating exercise routines into church services, Ng’ang’a challenges conventional norms, making him a distinctive presence in the religious sphere.

Read also:Pastor Ng’ang’a Gives Singles 6 Months To Find Partners


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