
Stella Wanjiru mother to Wesley Njiru, the grade 8 boy who died under unclear circumstances at Joy Gardens Primary School in Umoja last week has asked for clear details surrounding her son’s death.

Raising doubts on the details given, Wanjiru has sought clarification on the exact time the incident occurred, highlighting that the school has been hesitant to provide this crucial detail.

“Why was I called at 8.30p.m to take the child to hospital instead of the school taking him to the hospital? We want to know the exact time the incident happened as the school has been evasive on the exact time,” she posed.

Wanjiru accused the school of ignoring her till 11pm after they called her asking her to come take Wesley to hospital saying that he had fallen from the rooftop of the building complex.

The family further revealed that according to the postmortem’s report, the injuries found on the Wesley’s body were inconsistent with the injuries found on his body.

With this, the family argued that after conducting their own investigations at the crime scene, the school’s account of events do not up saying it would not have been possible for the deceased to have fallen from the 7th-floor.

“Further, the pathologist report details injuries that are inconsistent with the height the child Is alleged to have fallen from,” Wanjiru said.

They also questioned the school hesitation  in taking  Wesley to hospital after the incident, claiming that they had already, before her arrival, pronounced the boy dead and even alerted the police of the death.

“Why did the school keep me walling for over 4 hours, without disclosing the death of my son?” Wanjiru said.

They are also inquiring about Anthony Kimani Mwangi, the man  alleged to have interrogated the deceased prior to his demise.

Antony is reported to not being employed at the school, seeking answers regarding the nature, time, and location of the interrogation, as well as whether sexual molestation was involved, as suggested by the pathologist’s report.

Police are still looking into the matter.

Meanwhile, 5 suspects who were being held in  relation to the death have been released on Kshs500,00 bail



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