
Interior CS Kithure Kindiki has announced a nationwide crackdown on all bars in the villages following the recent deaths of people in Kirinyaga county.

The CS while visiting the county on Friday, addressed all the county commissioners and police officers in the country to follow up the instruction immediately and close all outlets selling illicit brew.

At least 17 have died after the consumption of illicit liquor in the county.

“We have also begun a programme to help those of us who are habitual addicted to alcoholism and drugs and therefore, our chiefs and assistant chiefs have been ordered to collect data from every village so that we can take them for rehabilitation,” Kithure said.

The CS ordered the closure of all bars in Kirinyaga County to aid in investigations and ascertain all the licenses of the entertainment joints, after residents of Kirinyaga requested that all the bars be closed to allow the government to eliminate those that are selling the killer brew.

“We are asking that the joints be closed for even two months so that we can contain the problem of people consuming illicit brew,” one resident suggested.

“County commissioner and your team, you have heard what people want. Today is Friday i will be back on Wednesday to ensure the directive is effected,” Kindiki said.

He indicated that the government would fire all officers who failed to take action over the consumption of the illicit brew and those who were involved in the rogue business in Kirinyaga.

The war against the illicit brew is also championed by DP Rigathi Gachagua. The second in command said that government officers involved in the business will lose their jobs.

He warned chiefs, assistant chiefs and police officers against taking bribes from the lawbreakers and instead to arrest them. He further ordered the transfer of top police officers in Kirinyaga over the deaths.

Two more people died on Friday and one reportedly lost sight due to the illicit brew.

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