
Kenya and Haiti have signed  a reciprocal agreement to deploy 1000 police officers to lead in a mission aimed at restoring peace and tranquility in the gang-infested Caribbean nation.

The agreement was signed on Friday afternoon in Nairobi by security ministers from the two counties in the presence of President William Ruto and Haiti Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

This agreement comes after the High Court had ruled the previous deployment as unconstitutional under the Kenyan law unless the two countries signed a reciprocal agreement.

“I am pleased to inform you that Prime Minister Ariel Henri and I have witnessed the signing of this instrument. We have also discussed the next steps to enable the fast-tracking of the deployment,” Ruto said Friday after witnessing the agreement signing at State HousE

The UN Security Council backed up Kenya’s offer to lead the force as Kenyan lawmakers went on to approve the deployment.

In Haiti, the possible deployment had received mixed reactions from community members who have suffered at the hands of gangs.

“I take this opportunity to reiterate Kenya’s commitment to contribute to the success of this multi-national mission. We believe this is a historic duty because peace in Haiti is good for the world as a whole,” Ruto said in a statement.

The UN Security Council had approved the mission in early October but concerns in Kenya over the motive behind the deployment  prompted court interference.

The ruling that termed the deployment as unconstitutional threw into doubt the future of a multinational force sought by Haiti’s government.

Haitian government had pleaded for international help to confront violence that has left nearly 5,000 dead.

Dissatisfied opposition politician Ekuru Aukot, who had filed the petition against the deployment, on the same day said that he would lodge a case for what he termed as the government’s contempt of court.

“We will question the validity of this secretive agreement,” he said.


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