In a recent candid interview, Ringtone revealed that controversial gospel singer Justina Syokua is a sex addict whose marriage ended because of the addiction.

The controversial gospel singer Justina Syokau earlier last year had an undying crush on Ringtone even though he did his best to avoid her like problems.

“Niliambiwa na yule pastor mwenye anatoka kwa village moja na Justina,”Ringtone said

Ringtone claims that the pastor knows her very well and the pastor is currently in Nairobi.

“Justina aliachana na bwana yake kwa sababu ako na addiction ya ngono. He added that walikua wanataka kumfanyia counselling,kumpeleka hospitali kwa sababu ako na addiction ya mambo ya bedroom.”Ringtone quoted the pastor

Asked if he would still marry Justina if she corrected her addiction to sex,Ringtone replied by saying that being a sex addict is already a redflag for him to marry her.

“Mimi niko na responsibilities kama mchungaji wa mungu,nafaa kuubiri,nafaa kuenda mission,so Justina kuna uwezekano hata nikamuoa hatuwezi last kwasababu ya addiction yake ya mambo ya chumbani”Ringtone said

“Mambo ya ngono itamfanya nikienda mission out of the country kuubiri, nikiwa nimeenda out of town kuubiri,atakua anafanya nini?”Ringtone asked

In an interview in march with Obinna, Syokau said that her marriage began quickly after only a few months of dating her now ex-husband.

She highlighted that she entered the marriage as a virgin, losing her virginity shortly after the wedding. Last year, Justina made headlines after declaring that she was in love with Ringtone. She said that she loved him and would like him to marry her. Ringtone however turned down her advances.

The controversial gospel singer on multiple occasions professed her love for Ringtone while expressing her desire to get married to him.

Read also:“We Were In Love” Justina Syokau Reveals The Mistake That Cost Her Ringtone



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