
Renown actress and now film producer Jacky Vike aka Awinja left netizens in awe after introducing two grown men as her sons in a promotional video.

The men, who evidently were older than her, donned school uniforms, with many wondering how she was able to convince them to wear the attires

In a recent interview, during the premier of Monke Business movie, Jacky said she decided to be creative, coming up with the idea, instead of engaging normal school going children.

“I come with the ideas. Kama hio idea ya hao wazae, nilikuwa nataka kufanya back to school ya Naivas. Nikajiuliza how  can I do it differently, other than watoi wa kawaida, nikasema why not that. Kulikuwa na the oldest man mwenye alirudi shule, there was a movie about him. It was something in line of that. The first video did very well and I was like sitaki kuwawaste, wacha tupige kama mbili tatu,” she told YouTube content creators.

Aside from that, Jacky spoke about her popular YouTube series Disco Matanga. She revealed that her team is working on the second season that will come as a surprise to her fans.

“If you give me money now, I will shoot even tomorrow. I am looking for money and I also don’t mind sponsorship. If you want to be part of Disco Matanga you are all welcomed, come and let’s talk. Disco Matanga 2 is being worked on, we are going to surprise you guys,” the Papa Shirandula actress said.

She also declined to reveal how much she spend on the first season of Disco Matanga.

“I wouldn’t say that. I want you to watch the behind the scenes and you are going to have all the information there. But because I used my money to shoot, I usually don’t want to calculate and account for how the money was used because I  would go crazy,” the mother of one said.

Also Read: At 96 Anakupoiga Sheng! Jacky Vike Hails Grandma As She Is Laid To Rest

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