
In the wake of the recent surge in playful monikers aimed at him, including the infamous “Zakayo,” President Ruto of Kenya has taken a stand, urging the public to show respect and refrain from using humorous nicknames. This plea comes as President Ruto, alongside Nairobi’s Governor Johnson Sakaja and other dignitaries, attended a church service at the Anglican church in Nairobi’s Makadara county.

During the service, a pastor addressed President Ruto, expressing concern over the use of such nicknames. “Nimeskia watu wengine wakikurefer kwa njia ambayo haistahili. Wanakulinganisha wewe na Zakayo,” the pastor remarked, quoting Exodus 28:32 to emphasize the importance of respecting leaders and calling for prayers for the government.

President Ruto, who had previously expressed indifference to such labels, reiterated his request to the congregation: “Jameni msiniite majina mara Zakayo mara nani.” Despite being dubbed with various names like Nabii (Prophet), Kaunda Uongoman, and Abunwasi, President Ruto remains steadfast in his commitment to serving the nation.

Reflecting on his resolve, President Ruto stated, “That is why I don’t mind people calling me names. You see when you are doing the right thing, your conscience is clear. I will do the right thing for our country irrespective of what names people call me, including Zakayo.” This sentiment echoes his earlier remarks made while addressing Kenyans in Japan.

However, the saga took a lighter turn when President Ruto was recently spotted in a recording studio, fueling social media with humorous artist pseudonyms like Zab-loan-singers, Kaligraph Loans, and KRA The Don. Despite the levity, the underlying message remains clear: a call for civility, respect, and a focus on national progress.




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