Controversial Mumias East MP Peter Salasya has vowed to marry multiple women saying he has  money to maintain them and take care of them.

Taking to his Facebook page, Salasya  caused a stir admitting to his polygamous state. He claims that the current cold weather is to much and has made him to start thinking of getting a woman.

“Hii baridi inaanza kunilazimisha to start thinking of getting one woman this year alafu mwingine next year.” Salasya wrote.

Salasya who has always been the talk of town because of his controversial comments and numerous scandals online, claimed that he has the money to take care of his wives and maintain them.

“I must marry more than two wives pesa ya kuwalinda iko kidogo ya kuwa maintain.” The MP concluded.

The senior bachelor  clinched the Mumias East MP seat  in 2022 and rose to fame. He has since made himself relevant by  ensuring he makes it to the headlines of top blogs in kenya.

Salasya’s recent remarks suggests that he is considering having multiple wives for financial reasons and views marriage as a financial obligation.

His post comes barely  a week after former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya was in the limelight for allegedly introducing his third  wife Mary Biketi to the Public confirming that he is polygamous.

Kakamega Senator Bony Khalwale has numerous times publicly admitted to being a polygamous man. He has four wives but his first wife Adelaide Khalwale died.

Questions have risen about men from the Luhya community being polygamous. Luhya culture is comparable to most Bantu cultural practices. Polygamy was a common practice in the past.

Today, with the influence of Christianity, it is practiced by only a few people who have money to fully take care of their wives.

Salasya represents Mumias East, a constituency that was once lead by the Late Martin Shikuku who was also openly polygamous. He maried 4 wives, 3 of whom died of cancer.

Is The curent Mp, Peter Salasya following the footsteps if his fellow Luhya politicians? That’s the question that can only be answered with time.






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