
Kenyan Influencer and businessman, Khalif Kairo has vowed not to comment, or take any interview on the current state of the country anymore.

Kairo took to his X account to share a recording of himself explaining the reasons behind his decision of not engaging in country demos.

“For anyone I offended, I am truly sorry. Going forward, I will not be commenting on anything regarding the current state of the country or taking any interviews. I want to let this matter rest completely on my end,” Kairo asserted.

The car dealer says it’s so confusing of what people really want. He finds it difficult to make his personal contribution to what is happening now in the country.

“If you remain silent is a problem, if you give your opinion, is a problem. When you go to the streets frontline and get shot is a problem because your parent will cry. If you stay at home and disassociate with the current happenings you are a traitor. Voicing your opinion as a public figure is a problem.

“I have come to this decision starting by apologizing. If my opinion has offended you, me being on the frontline didn’t sit right with you, I apologize. I don’t want to weigh myself or anybody down,” he stated.

Furthermore, Kairo made it clear that he’s fighting no one and those commenting ill about him can continue doing so.

“For those people who have been attacking me no grudges, haven’t and never will blocked anyone, you are free to comment whatever you want to comment.”


However, the car dealer is not the only one with such stand. Some people also commented saying they are agreeing with him that it’s time the youth should now initiate dialogue.

“As a Frontline Millennial, I think we need to slow down now. As soldiers, we should know when to fight hard and cease-fire. Financial Bill 2024 was dropped as per our demand. Let us wait for 2027 to send Ruto home. For now, let us save our country,” one person commented.

“My thoughts too, the president is ready to engage even on the social media platform, he should be given a chance and a timeline also. We should not burn down our country,” another one added.

Khalif Kairo has faced a lot of criticism over his change on mind on protests despite him being on the forefront leading demos.

Also Read: Khalif Kairo Addresses Rumors Of Being Paid To Change Stance On Protest



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