
Julliet Mirriam Ayub popularly known as Jovial, has shared her thoughts on co-parenting.

The singer who is among the most streamed female artists in Kenya had a few things to let off her chest about the subject .

Taking to her IG  account, the singer claimed that co- parenting drains ones energy, adding that people appear bitter whilst co-parenting .

“Co-parenting has got to be one of the most draining things on this earth. In most cases one party is usually still  bitter wakidhani they are getting back at you when the real victim is the child ,”she said .

“When you tell your close people you having a baby watakutishia na story za body changes ujitayarishe kumbe you need to prepare mentally and psychologically ,Have a child when you are ready to have that child ,” she further wrote.

The jeraha hit maker had once revealed that the relationship between her and her baby daddy was impecable .

“I always say this, any man who will date me should be at least half like the father of my child ,man that guy is always behind me ,either way I have no drama,” she went on.

The recent comments have caused a buzz on a  possible rift between her and her baby daddy.

Jovial is currently in a relationship with with influencer Mike ex to Lydia K.M.

The two have had their fair share of scandal netizens speculating that Jovial could be funding his lifestyle which the female singer denied revealing that he pampers her and in fact caters for all  her bills

Jovial also stated that she felt more supported by her current man unlike the previous  relationships where one of her exes wanted her to stay at home as a house wife .

Also Read: Jovial unfollows her fiance, deletes their couple photos


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