
The world is dealing with a ton of issues, from high cost of living and economic messes. Finding happiness has become a major goal for countries globally and in Africa.

A list of 10 happiest countries courtesy of Global Mind Project was presented. Tanzania boasts the highest scoring 88, with Nigeria and Zimbabwe closely following at 83 and 74 on the MHQ, respectively.

Mental State of the World Report is the annual report and provides trends and insights on the, mental wellbeing of internet-enabled populations around the globe.

The report conducted by Sapien Labs suggests a global decrease in mental well-being since the onset of the pandemic.

The report compiles responses from over 500,000 individuals gathered throughout the year across 71 regions including Africa.

The report employs six dimensional scores, including mood and outlook, social self, drive and motivation, adaptability and resilience, cognition and mind body connection.

Kenya appears at number 4 on the list with an MHQ of 72. This report has attracted online stir from Kenyans who seem quite unbothered by the results.

They then took their concerns to social media to vent.

@turk-kiddoh said: happy are the poor

@f.anta-bulous said: kama si hizi kuvunjana roho tungekua apo on top.

@mapettco said: kama si tax tungekuwa number 1

@wangui-agatha said: wah …then the world is sad

@-abanja said: wanaconfuse kuchizi na happiness (they are confusing being crazy with happiness)

@mtalii_ said: memes hapa na pale

Others couldn’t help but wonder how these rankings were done and how it is supposed to help must as Kenyans.

Some think that it’s only because of our economy and how Kenyans are struggling to meet their daily needs and that’s why we did not top the list.

Others didn’t seem to agree with the list believing that Kenyans are very sad and are only temporarily making themselves happy with alcohol and other drugs.

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