Maverick aoko

Kenyan Blogger Maverick Aoko has hit back at Kanze Dena after she issued a press conference, that brought to light troubles at the office of the retired head of state Uhuru Kenyatta.

On a post on her X account, Aoko advised Kanze Dena to respect her reputation and leave the pullbacks between the sitting President and the retired President alone.

“Kanze Dena was offered Ambassador job na Uhuru when he was ending his tenure, plus a sum total of good millions. She turned it down. For reasons I’ll not say b’coz I told you I’ve chosen to be a good girl. Sai ako Inooro wailing ati hawajalipwa 2 years. Go home and be a WIFE,” Aoko advised.


The blogger tells Dena to take care of her young family as they need her most, and that she still needs more time with her husband.

“Madam, go home and take care of your husband and young child. You were married in your 40s ukiwa State House, you have barely enjoyed your Man. Stop gallivanting around, don’t be drawn into the Ruto and Uhuru tiff, Maneno ya hao wawili will consume you. Retire with dignity,” Aoko said.

Moreover, Aoko reflected the previous office of the retired President Mwai Kibaki saying they never complained on anything.

“Retired with Dignity and without rancor. Used the Nyari office for years, without a fuss Same office Uhuru has rejected for Denis Pritt. Manoah finished his job as spokesperson, took ambassador job in UK and was exemplary. No kelele. Then Uhuru and Dena wako all over…” she said.

The controversial media personality added that Uhuru wants the Government ‘to pay for the home he turned into personal office.’

However, Maverick Aoko refuted claims Dena raised about Uhuru’s staff being threatened at midnight, saying no one is bothered to threaten her.

Also Read: How ‘Kuokolea Jam’ Saw Kanze Dena Finish A Whole Crate Of Beer

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