Ghana’s Parliament has passed anti-LGBTQ bill that cracks down on the rights of the LGBTQ people and those who are promoting the community.

The bill would punish those who take part in the LGBTQ activities and sexual acts, and those who promote the rights of gay and lesbian people. The parliament of Ghana passed a controversial bill to restrict LGBTQ rights in move that has been condemned by rights activists around the globe.

Religious, traditional leaders and elders in Ghana sponsored the legislation that gained support from the majority of the law makers hence being passed on Wednesday. The law, commonly referred as the anti-gay bill, is termed as one of the harshest of its kind in the continent of Africa.

Lawmakers proposing the bill said they consulted influential religious leaders while drafting the bill. Those endorsing the bill include Christian council of Ghana and the catholic Bishops of Ghana.

The anti-gay bill imposes a sentence of 3-5 years in prison for the people who will be involved in the acts or support the rights of the LGBTIQ persons. Human Rights Activists have urged the president Nana Akufo’s government to reject the bill since it’s against the human rights.

“You cannot criminalize a person’s identity and that’s what the bill is doing and its absolutely wrong,” Manu Takyiwaa said, a member of the coalition of human rights. The founder and director of the LGBTQ+ Rights of Ghana Alex Donkor said, “The passing of this bill will further marginalize and endanger LGBTQ persons in Ghana.”

“I am saddened because some of the smartest, most creative, most decent people i know are LGBTQ. The bill parliament passed takes away not only their basic human rights but those of all Ghanaians because it undermines the rights to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of the press. It will be bad for public order and public health, if enacted, it will also hurt Ghana’s international reputation and economy.” said Virginia Palmer US Ambassador to Gnana.






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