
Garissa Water and Sewrage Company Managing director Mohamed Mohamud has been arrested for allegedly forging academic certificates.

EACC officers raided his office in Garissa town on Thursday over allegation of forging his KCSE certificate. Apparently, he scored a D in the national exams but forged the document to indicate that he garnered a C+ in order for him to land admission at the University of Naiurobi.

Mohamud was subsequently booked at Garissa police station where he will be detained pending arraignment in court on Friday.

“The advocates have also supplied the commission with certified copies of all the certificates earned by Dolal. We are convinced that, had Dolal presented the fake KCSE certificate to the University of Nairobi as alleged, he would be registered for a degree course and not for a certificate course since the qualification for a degree course is C+,” the letter read in part.

“The reason why Mr. Dolal had to start with a Certificate and move on to Diploma and finally to degree is because he scored D in the KCSE and this is supported by the evidence in the file. The file is returned to you for review of your earlier decision to charge Mr. Dolal,” read EACC’s letter to the office of DPP,

If found guilty, Mohamud will be required to pay back all the salary he has earned using the fake document.

The crackdown comes on the backdrop of a public service commission report which showed that more than 500 civil servants were serving in their positions while holding fake degrees. The certificates often range between Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) and University Degree

Government spokesperson Isaac Mwaura, while addressing the recent negative reports on PSC employees, faulted the poor recruitment processes.

“Staff shortage especially technical ones across government was also found to be another gap as there are more support staff than technical due to hiring of staff in disregard of the staff establishment,” Mwaura stated.

The EACC has started a nationwide crackdown on all government officials who are holding offices with fake certificates. The agency, he said, was now targeting assets acquired by those found culpable to ensure that taxpayers money paid to the individual is recovered, the menace was rampant with officers siphoning billions of shillings through non-existent trips and seminars.



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