
Law society of Kenya president Erick Theuri has asked Deputy President Rigathi Gashagua to present any confirmation of corruption linking judicial service officers instead of making public declaration.

This is after Gachagua said on Sunday that he will file a petition seeking removal of justice Esther Maina from her office.

Deputy president argued that justice Esther informally declared his fortune proceeds of crime, an act which he says was to tarnish his image.

While making an appearance on the day break show at Citizen TV, Theuri urged the DP to provide proof of his allegations to JSC.

”Gachagua should instead present any allegations to the judicial service and not lament in public.” said Theuri

He faulted the Executive for its continued attacks on the judiciary, arguing that it is eating down sovereign of independent institutions and further pulling down the democracy on its knees.

“At this point, you are looking at a situation where you have extremely aggressive and an assertive Executive, a bit of infirm parliament and an institution of the judiciary that is trying to find its way to assert its authority in extremely difficult circumstances,” he said.

In the past weeks the Legislature and the Executive have launched war against the Judiciary for corruption allegations, The president and his team were in Elgeyo Marakwet where he vowed, he will work tirelessly to fish out corrupt individuals in the judicial service.

Ruto has vowed to deal with the individuals who are derailing the collection of housing levy, a fundamental component of realising his housing project.

Chief Justice Martha Koome has refuted Ruto’s claims, urging him and and his team to direct their complaints to the mandated constitutional organ for processing.

“We are ready to take action on any complaint against any judge or judicial officer who is implicated in corruption or any other act of misconduct. However, such a complaint must be put forward and processed in a manner given  in the constitution. The era where officers were harassed  out of their offices is long gone, instead we have a constitution that protects its citizens,” she stated

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