
Kenyan recently attacked Education CS Ezekiel Machogu, for allegedly making a school boy hold an umbrella for him while he was making a speech.

The photo, that went viral on X, was taken during the Murang’a County Education Day earlier this week.

A section of X users criticized Machogu and demanded him to apologize over the incident.

In his defense, Machogu however said that the boy volunteered to hold the umbrella for him because it was the only way he could get his attention, as he was from a poor background.

“Nilienda pahali pengine mtoto wanted to get the attention of the CS. Ukiona mtoto amekuja na mwavuli, huyo mtoto alikuwa anataka school fees, uniform na shoes.  When you go to places as a public figure sometimes you get those people wanataka kukufikia,” said Machogu.

The CS added that he was able to interact with him and addressed his concerns.

“That small guy insisted to be beside me until I said Okay, here is something for you. Later on, I was able to consult with him, nikamsaidia vile alikuwa anataka because he comes from a background that you and me don’t come from,” he said.

Comedian turned philanthropist Eric Omondi is also looking for the boy.

“I am looking for this boy,” he said.

He did not share details of what he intends to do but many believe that he aims at supporting the boy’s educational journey.



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