
Dennis Ombachi, a former international rugby player turned self-taught chef, has been awarded Ksh 3.2 million by the TikTok Change Maker Program.

Ombachi, who is known for his engaging content and inspiring efforts, was selected as one of 50 content creators worldwide recognized for their positive impact.

Ombachi’s transition from a sportsman to a celebrated online chef was driven by an injury that ended his rugby career prematurely.

Despite this setback, he has carved out a new path, utilizing his self-taught cooking skills to inspire and give back to his community.

His videos not only shows his exceptional cooking talents but also his dedication to distributing meals to the less fortunate people in Nairobi.

The TikTok Change Maker Program aims to support content creators globally who are making a significant difference through their platforms.

Each selected creator receives USD 25,000 which when converted to Kenyan shillings is approximately Ksh 3.2 million to further their initiatives.

The program, with a total fund of Ksh 131 million, is set to benefit over 30 global and local non-profit organizations that support various important causes.

Ombachi’s recognition by TikTok is a testament to his impactful work and his ability to use social media not only to entertain but also for social good.

His journey from a rugby field to a kitchen has inspired many as well as provided much-needed support to vulnerable communities in Nairobi.

With this award, Ombachi can expand his outreach, continuing to use his new found passion to make a difference in the society.

His story is a powerful example of resilience and the transformative power of social media in driving positive change. It also brings about the issue of giving back to the society as TikTok is trying to give back to the society by using these change makers globally.

Other social media content creators and celebrities should emulate Dennis to use their platforms to accomplish some good or inspire others rather than clout chasing and flaunting their riches.

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