
Nameless is among the artists who graced the memorial event for Kenyans who died during the anti-government protests in the last 3 weeks.

The memorial was held on Saba Saba Day at Uhuru Gardens las Sunday.

Speaking at the venue, Nameless commended the frontiers of the protests for the courage they had shown and change that has come with it.

“It has been an amazing 2-3 weeks. We have all seen how it is really a revolution. I want to big up Gen Zs because it is that courage that has made things shift. Just watching how even the politicians are confused is a big step. We here to celebrate and honour the guys we lost during that time but guys have come here with that heart, that made be proud to be Kenyan,” the musician said.

Nameless added that the best way to honour those who were killed in the protests is by erecting a statue with all their names, so that they can never be forgotten.

“Even for the government, they know what is good for them, they need to say this happened but we need to make the future generation always remember the power of courage and the power of speaking out for yourselves,” he said.

At the same time, he shared a word of advice to president William Rut, regarding his call for dialogue.

“Right now guys are so angry and he needs to read the crowd, the wisdom required for this process is high level it is not business as usual people are just tired, he needs to read the room, he needs to understand that this is pain the people are feeling, the level of arrogance politicians have been operating on, the level of corruption, people have no trust, to build trust is a process. He needs to understand that this is not the kind of easy stuff that he’s doing so for him he needs to how action for people to be willing to talk, without that action, people are like we’ve heard this before so they don’t want to listen to ,” he said.

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