Three days before form one admissions kick off, a family in Mulolongo, Machakos county is appealing for help so that their daughter can join form 1 at Mumbuni Girls High school in Machakos county.

14-year-old Mercy Mutheu, sat for KCPE 2023 exams at Mulolongo Primary school and scored 342 marks.

Her mother, Asumpta Musenya, said she is unable to solely provide for her 7 children since she does laundry job that  barely sustains them for food and other basic needs.

She also has two other children in form 3.

Mercy expressed her growing despair at the prospect of attending high school, particularly when she considers her family are unable to pay her school fee.

”Mimi naomba tu nisaidiwe hadi kwa school fees na vitu vya kurudi shule. Hadi sijui kama nitaenda shule aki. Juu vilee kunakaa wacha tu, sometimes hadi tunalala njaa adi the next day, mom akipata kitu ndio  tukule.lakini wacha tu.kwanza siku za shule ,unajua nilikuwa nasoma kwa bidii ndio nisahau hizo stress za kwa nyumba. saa hii vitu mingi zinahitajika na sina. Mum aliomba tu box na towel kwa wenye walimaliza form four .Sina hadi slippers, kiwi,godoro,bucket, karibu vitu zote,” she said.

Young Mutheu expressed her admiration of becoming air hostess in the near future, but due to lack of school feels she feels her dream will be shattered. She is frequently overwhelmed by confusion and finds herself in tears.

Asumpta also revealed that her marriage has been full of conflicts with her in laws,forcing them to maintain a distance

Residing in a rented house with a monthly cost of 3500 the family struggles to cover the rent timely due to the husband’s inability to support

“The father is alive but has no job; he would go searching for a job but comes with nothing every day. So I have to do laundry for people to feed my children and settle rent,” she said.

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