Awinja alias Jacky Vike a popular Kenyan comedian excited Kenyans who followed Jamhuri celebrations live or physically when she rose to receive her Order of Grand Warrior of Kenya.

The mother of one walked majestically to the podium and Kenyans could not help but notice her choice of outfit.

The comedian was clad in her signature pink house-help uniform complete with a sagging petty coat hem and some platform to match.

She seemingly stayed true to the character that had brought her to the limelight enabling her to clutch such an enviable honor.

Taking to Instagram to celebrate her recent fortune, the creative announced to her followers that she had been honored with the title by the president himself.

She expressed that she was truly humbled before thanking netizens for being great supporters of her content.

”Today, I was honored to be awarded the title (Order of the Grand Warrior of Kenya) from his Excellency the President. I am truly humbled thank you so much for always supporting my content.” she wrote.

Awinja went to hilariously declare herself the newest OGW in town teasing that she had already updated it in her bio on her social media accounts.

”The new OG in town! Ata iko kwa Bio already.” her statement continued.

Kenyans flocked to the comment section to send their congratulatory messages her way on her very much-deserved win.

”Well deserved, congratulations Jacky”

”Congrats to you and the kamisi. well deserved”

”Proud moments. Last year you worked the entire Christmas and daily too, well deserved win.” netizens wrote.

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