
Singer KRG The Don has accused Miracle Baby and his wifeCarol Katrue of being ungrateful and wanting to extort money from Kenyans.

This is after Miracle Baby’s wife reached out to Bernice Saroni so that they could raise funds to cater for the bags that Miracle Baby uses to excrete.

In a Live TikTok session, Katrue revealed that they still had a pending hospital bill, despite allegations that the bill was cleared by the president.

Speaking on the matter, KRG claimed that the couple was fooling Kenyans and were trying to taint the images of those who had helped them.

“Problem ya hawa watu wanataka cashflow. Washaona Wakenya ni ATM. Kenyans don’t be fooled by anyone who is coming to you to take money because mtakuwa manendeshwa kama baiskeli kwa mteremko. Mimi mtu hawezi kuniendesha kwa hii dunia,” he said in an interview with KOM.

He also noted that he went to the president along with Jaguar to appeal about Mracle Baby’s situation.

“The president was not aware of and he did not know who Miracle Baby was.It was a tough job to inform him about Miracle Baby and even convince him to help. Miracle Baby what I can tell you is that watu ambao wanakuguide wanakupotosha because you got a golden chance wewe kuenda hospitali but what you guys are doing is wrong,” he said.


Firing back at KRG, Katrue however said that she was the one who looked for the president, frequently sending his messages so that he could help them. According to her, Ruto send Jaguar and KRG after she communicated to him.

“I disturbed the president so much, I pleaded with him na that time nikiplead na yeye that means sikuwa nasaidiwa na anyone,” the mother of one said. “The only thing alifanya alituma wao, juu wanasimamia youths.”

“Anajaribu kutuharibia naskia amesema inafaa nitafute kazi. KRG kama atakuja kwangu anikalie na mtoto amyonyeshe adrain bag ya Peter nitaenda kazi. Ama ataleta tu hivi mboch asme huyu ndio atakuwa anaangalia mtoto na Peter we enda kazi nitaenda. Anaexpect aje niende kazi bado niko na mtoto mdogo ananyonya, mimi ndio nashughulikia Peter, okay kijana ya president niandike kazi,” the agitated singer said.

She also maintains that KRG contributed nothing towards Miracle Baby’s bills. She further said that he is the one who called journalist to cover the moment they went to deliver Kshs300,000 that the president contributed. From the donation, she was also asked to give journalists who covered the event Kshs10,000

She also did not spare Weezdom, for the things that he has been posting online about Peter’s situation.


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