Several businesses remain closed in Bomet town as some locals state anti-county government protests in the town.

Water scarcity, delayed payment of county staff and dubious procurement of road construction equipment are reasons for the demos according to the organizers.

Led by Dias Kimutai, the organizers lamented that taps in the county have remained dry for 6 months now, with the county failing to address the problem.

Addressing the press, he questioned why Bomet Water and Sanitation Company employees continue receiving salaries yet locals were suffering due to lack of water.

“We have many problems here in Bomet. We have not had water for 6 months now. County Employees have not had salaries for several months now. These are some of the reasons we are staging this protest,” said Kimutai.

Kimutai however assured that the protests will be peaceful, further urging traders in Bomet town and its environs to join them in the demonstrations as they pile pressure on the county government to address the problems.

Nominated MCA Victor Rop on his part claimed that millions of shillings have been paid for the roads whose construction was done by equipment purchased using public funds, a situation he described as illegal.

“The purchase of equipment was done in a dubious manner. To add insult to injury, millions of shillings have been paid for roads constructed using the machines which were purchased using public funds. This is unacceptable,” stated Rop.

Governor Hillary Barchok termed the protests political, claiming they were planned in Nairobi by some politicians from the county.

“The protests were planned in Nairobi by some politicians from our county. Ring leaders received sh 50,000 each while the other protestors will take home sh 1,000 each. They have a right to hold demonstrations but violence and destruction of property will not be allowed,” said Barchok.

Also Read:“It’s Shocking That Teachers Were Bribed” Bomet ECDE Teachers Lament

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