
Cabinet Secretary for Labour and Social Protection Florence Bore has asked doctors to consider putting an end to the ongoing strike that has been been putting Kenyans at risk.

In a statement the CS asked   Kenya Medical Practitioners, Dentists and Pharmacists Union (KMPDU) to consider dialogue with the Ministry of health that considers both parties in a bid to resolve the ongoing crisis.

Bore referenced the Employment and Labour Relations Court’s March ruling that halted the strike, emphasizing compliance with the directive was crucial adding that a Conciliation Committee had been  ordered to support parties involved in reaching a resolution.

“The Head of Public Service has taken action in complying with the orders and so must everyone else. Parties should co-operate and act in good faith to finding a settlement to these issues. The resolution of this dispute can only be found through social dialogue,” Bore said.

She also asked doctors to obey the Employment and Labour Relations Court orders, asking the union to call off the strike and direct it’s members back to work.

“The Labour Relations Act, 2007 provides that where parties have a difference, they may subject this through a dispute resolution mechanism. The doctors’ union must therefore suspend the strike and come to the table to negotiate with the employers, that is, Ministry of Health and the 47 county governments,” the statement read in parts.

“The union needs to direct its members to get back to work, to pave way for meaningful negotiations to take place to find a lasting resolution.”

Bore further appealed to medics to collaborate with her ministry to help the government in it’s efforts to restore normalcy in the health sector.

“We must all work together to accelerate government’s efforts to restore normalcy in the operations of the health sector,” said Bore.

The four-week doctors’ strike, has seen several counties have result in suspension of health workers in a bid to get the medical practitioners back to work.



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