
Elseba Kokeyo, popularly known as Cebbie Koks, has opened up on her relationship with her estranged elder sister Akothee.

In an interview with Lynne Ngugi, Cebbie dispelled claims that she is jealous of the musician, saying  that she sees her as a mother, because of their age difference and the things she has done for her.

“That is my sister, my blood sister, I was born I opened my eyes  and saw her. She took me literally through school, she is like my best friend and the gap between me and her is so huge, she is like my mother. There is no single day I can ever sit down and think I want that that she has. I am who I am because of her and therefore people’s feelings, could be my feelings, does not define what is between us. I respect her, she’s done so well for herself. This is a woman who pulled herself by the bootstraps, literally when the society expected this person to go down,” she said.

She added that she would still admire Akothee even if they were not sisters.

“Now that I am privileged to be her sister, why would I be jealous? Why would I hate..why would I look down upon her. She’s achieved things I have not think she achieved them at the age that I am now . I don’t know what the future hold but sh’s achieved a lot. She is an inspiration and a loving sister. To date, her  number is still saved on my phone as darling sister,” she revealed.

“Sometime when people get involved in this conflict, I always ask them I wish they knew,” Cebbie said, adding that only outsiders can break them because of interfering in their misunderstandings.

Cebbie added that Akothee will be the first person to reach her when something happens to her. She also hopes that they will be a happy family some day.

“She will feel my pain more than any else  so any blog who want to write things  like she is jealous, she is this ..they are only getting what we call viewership and readership but the bottom root even them it happens in their homes. What happens in my family is not far from what from everything else in fact in some families it is worse. I will never have an exchange with her, not today, not tomorrow, not yesterday and I have also learnt how to handle myself when I am bombard with a lot of things, I still pray to God that one day one time we will be a happy family,” she said.

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