
Cabinet Secretary for Roads, Transport, and Public Works Kipchumba Murkomen has sparked an online debate after revealing his expensive wears.

In an interview with Obinna, Kipchumba gave a list of some of his expensive things he has bought with his own money.

“Most expensive shoe may be 70-80 thousand, belt 40-50K, I think if I can remember well, it’s about 900 thousand (watch), tie 20k,” the CS revealed.

Defending the price of his belt, Murkomen said that you should be bright when it comes to purchasing.

“Well, I want to be honest with you, yes, but I don’t need to wear two belts in two years. buy one belt for 50 thousand but one you can turn inside-out, brown one side, black the other side. It will be of quality, if you turn the other side people will think you have another belt,” Murkomen said.

He added that when you have expensive things, you don’t wear all of them at once, instead, you alternate them with other cheaper ones.

“If you buy a watch worth 900,000, you wear it for 20 years,” he said.”There are two watches that have gone viral on social media. The first one I bought, it was not as expensive as they said and the second one a friend of mine, came to me, because he saw the other on social, and said ” I sell watches, do you want me to sell you Rolex?’ and I said yes, why not. He sold it to me at a third (30 per cent) of the price being claimed on social media. He even gave me time to pay in installments.”

However, people have reacted differently Kipchumba’s revelation. Here are some of the comments people have made.

Lord Abraham Mutai on X commented saying:

“Wearing those expensive shoes and watches is my weakness…thank you Kenyans who have faulted me…I’m willing to change.. At what point do we separate jealousy from reality? Many don’t know Murkomen has been a senator since 2013, he has also served as a majority leader”

Angima on X reasons differently:

“We are entering into a situation where the masses want all of us to be poor or pretend to be poor. In this situation anyone that may seem to lead a better life will automatically be branded a thief”

Consequently, most people have questioned his saying ‘which I’ve bought with my own money’, with some relating it to other source of money that he uses to by his things.

Also Read: Mike Sonko Flaunts 11 Phones During Obinna Show Interview

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