When it rains it indeed pours and the Standard Media group can atest to it seeing that their woes have become unending.

In an embarassing twist of events, an auctioneer moved in to recover 4.1 million owed to a former poltician based in the coast.

The millions in question are damages awarded to the politician after he won a defamation case against the media group.

The high court issued a directive on 6th November 2023, directing the auctioneers to sell by auction the media house’s property worth of their money after giving  a 15-day notice to the standard media group on the plannned auction.

” These are to command you to sell by auction after giving 15 days previous notice, by affixing the same courthouse and after making due proclamation, the judgement-debtors property attached under a warrant from his court. In the execution of a decree in favour of the decree holder I High Court Civil Case No 124 of 2011 or so much of the said property and shall realize the sum of Sh 4,178,218 the amount/balance of the said decree and cost still remaining unstatisfied ” the high court directed.

In the story in which the former politician sued the Standard group, the media oulet had reported in 2011 that the politician’s nice had obtained a court order barring him from seling her grandmother’s mansion.

The media house further reported that the former politician’s niece had taken her uncle to court for alledgly forging the grandmother’s signature to authorize the sale of different properties.

The media apolgized for the news and articles but the politician went ahead to sue them anyway.

The high court’s directive comes days after the media group was blasted by the Kenya Union of Journalists  for alledly not paying their employees for 6 months.




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