Two more people have died and one gone blind after consuming suspected illicit alcohol in Kandongu village, Kirinyaga as the county becomes  a point of focus  due to previously reported illicit alcohol fatalities.

According to reports one of the victims, a middle-aged man, passed away on the Sagana-Kagio Highway as he was being ferried to Kerugoya Hospital after consuming the poisonous alcohol. The victim had reportedly complained of severe stomach pains moments before his demise.

“We found him crying over stomach pains and we called police officers who rushed him to hospital but died after arriving at Kerugoya hospital,” Joseph Kibara, an eye witness, said

The second victim, 52-year-old John Gatimu, died while receiving treatment at Kerugoya Hospital after consuming the toxic drinks that he had allegedly sourced from Kandongu Trading Centre.

Subsequently, another middle-aged  is fighting for his life at the Kerugoya Referral Hospital in Kirinyaga County after losing his sight for also consuming the toxic brew on Friday morning at Kangai village. The man is said to have been first rushed Kandongu dispensary before being transferred to the county referral hospital.

Following this events, angry residents flocked around the Kandongu dispensary  protesting against what they termed as laxity by the county government to combat the sale of illicit brew in the area attempting to set ablaze some local bars at the trading centre before being dispersed by police.

This incident unfolded as Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki held a crisis meeting in the area on how to combat the illicit alcohol menace in the area.

“How come they are selling deadly liquor while the Interior Cabinet Secretary is holding a meeting with the security team ten meters away,” Jinaro Njamumo Mutithi Ward MCA posed.

About 20 people have died in Kangai and Kandongu following the consumption the deadly liquor with 15 of them set to be buried on Saturday.

The deadly brew is said to have been sold out of a police station in the area where it had been stored as exhibit.




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