
Inspector general of police Japhet Koome accused the Azimio of hiring dead bodies during nationwide protests in order to Taint the police image with claims of using excessive force on Kenyans.

Speaking at the national police college on Tuesday August 8, Koome said he had information that some senior citizens in the country collaborated with mortuary attendants to take pictures of dead bodies before inviting the media to broadcast the images. He however did not disclose the names of the supposed perpetrators.

“In the recent past we have senior members of our society going to mortuaries, hiring dead bodies and inviting the media to claim that the person’s were killed by police officers. How low can some of our leaders sink? They take pictures of the dead bodies and dispatch them all over social media.,” Koome revealed.

He further said that the National police service operates within the law and that his officers did nothing that went against the constitution. He insisted that his officers will continue discharging their mandate without being distracted by opposition leaders.


“We are well guided on the right of force to use during such protests and that is why we regularly come to this place for training. The force we use is governed by the law and the service standing orders. There is nothing that we have done out of the ordinary. Let the know that chaos will not happen in this country again. This tendency of issuing threats must stop, ” Koome stated.

He also sent a warning to future protestors saying the police are allowed to respond with equal force that they are attacked with.

“Majority of my police officers have been injured by protestors. How can you expect me to spare you when yiu hurl stones at me yet I have a gun? When you attract a police officer you will be dealt with equal force” He added.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga has however rubbished Koome’s dead bodies allegations saying that bodies that were buried had gunshot wounds.

“I do not know which world he lives in. The bodies were buried had bullet wounds in them. The death certificates also confirm the cause of death. These are people killed by goons masquerading as police officers,” Raila said.




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