
President William Ruto and Chief Justice Martha Koome are holding a meeting at the Statehouse in Nairobi.

State House Director of Public Communication Gerald Bitok confirmed the meeting, which is also attended by Deputy Chief Justice Philomena Mwilu and Speaker  of National Assembly Moses Wetangula.

The meeting follows public pronouncements by the two, who said they are ready to hold talks and resolve the war between the Judiciary and the Executive. Last week the Chief Justice said the commission had reached out to the President to hold a meeting to discuss the issues they have with the judiciary. In a media conference, Koome warned that attacks against the Judiciary were setting up the country for chaos and anarchy.

Ruto has in the recent past mounted war on the judiciary accusing it of being used  by graft cartels to derail his development agenda. He even vowed to disregard court orders saying they are motivated by judicial impunity.

He however agreed to the talks, while maintaining that they are aimed at dealing with corruption in judiciary.

“I am going to lead from the front in the conversation between the executive and judiciary so that we can deal with the monster that is destroying our country and the corrupt who go to court,” he said.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga has criticized the Monday meeting between a Koome and Ruto at state house terming it irresponsible.

The opposition chief expressed concerns about the potential compromise of the judiciary and suggested that such discussions should have taken place in a neutral location.

“The chief justice decision to meet with the president at state house is, in our view an irresponsible move. If there is to be a dialogue, it should occur in a neutral setting,” Raila while  speaking in Lamu.

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