In a shocking turn of events, a young engineering student tragically set himself ablaze in Mombasa County as a result of tough times, leaving the community and his loved ones stunned.

The incident, which unfolded yesterday, has sparked deep concern and discussions about mental health and the pressures faced by students.

The deceased has been identified as Robert Kioko, a dedicated and promising student at Technical University of Mombasa, pursuing a degree in engineering. According to preliminary investigations, the incident occurred in Mwembe Tayari.Sources close to the family revealed that he had been experiencing academic stress and personal challenges, though no formal statements have been made by the family or the university at this time.

Mombasa County Chief Fire Officer, Ibrahim Basafar, said Robert Kioko Toho suffered 50 percent burns after he doused himself with paraffin and later set himself ablaze in Mwembe Tayari.Basafar added that the engineering student was rescued by well-wishers moments after his body went up in flames.

“He set himself ablaze and begun to burn. A huge crowd that gathered helped in putting out the fire that had consumed part of his flesh,” he said.

The fire county boss added that he was later rushed to Coast General Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit where he is currently undergoing treatment.

The university community and residents are reeling from the shock of this tragedy. Faculty members and classmates remark Robert Kioko as a diligent and enthusiastic learner who was well-liked by his peers. The incident has prompted discussions about the pressures faced by students, including academic demands, financial stress, and the lack of mental health resources.

Local mental health organizations and student advocacy groups are using this incident to draw attention to the urgent need for improved mental health support services for students across the county. 
As the investigation continues, authorities are urging anyone with information about Robert Kioko’s circumstances leading up to the tragedy to come forward. The incident serves as a heartbreaking reminder that mental health challenges can affect anyone, regardless of their age or background.

This tragic event serves as a stark wake-up call about the importance of addressing mental health concerns among students. It is a somber reminder that proactive efforts must be taken to ensure that students receive the necessary resources and support to cope with the pressures of academic life and personal challenges.


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