
Nick Bigfish is an internet sensation known for the daring pranks he does on the streets but on his latest prank mission,  he was however forced to come to the rescue of a man in need.

The man, Chrispus Nguyo decided to open up after an initial exchange which started with a series of laughter took another turn. Nicki had decided to test his prank skills on Chrispus by playfully asking him why he did not try his luck with gambling. Little did he know that this would lead to an act of kindness.

“Uliambiwa uekelee bet unakataa, sasa sisi maisha yetu imebadilika. Unakumbuka tukiwa mtaa, ekelea bet, mbona huekelewi,” he told the Chrispus.

Chrispus saw sense in whatever Nick was saying but to his surprise he started sharing his hardships and how he had struggled in finding a job opportunity.

He revealed that he comes from Nyeri and had come to the Capital City in search of a job opportunity, to provide for his wife and three children but all his efforts bore no fruit.  The city had proved unforgiving as it thwarted his dreams of having a better life and providing for his family and was on the brink of returning to his village due to despair.

Adding to his misfortune, Chrispus had lost his national Identity Card which he requires in securing a job application. Although he was in the process of replacing it, finding a job had become a daunting task without the document. Nicky Bigfish was moved by the man’s story that he decided to help him by purchasing groceries and food that would last the man and the family for a week or to as he continued to search for a job.

Nicki did not stop there as he moved to his social media page to ask his followers if they could assist Chrispus in any way.
“Normally I don’t like posting such videos, we encounter situations like these during our shoots and try to help where we can. I’ve posted Bwana Chrispus ndio kama kuna anyone with a job opening anaeza reach out at least aweze kulisha familia,”he said.

One User commented @alexmathenge… “God akubless sana bro.”


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