Eregi Girls High School is grappling with a health crisis as more than 50 students have been hospitalized due to a mysterious illness that has left them struggling to walk.
The outbreak, which has raised concerns among students, parents, and school authorities, has sparked a thorough investigation to identify the cause and provide prompt medical assistance.
The affected students, all displaying similar symptoms, were rushed to the Kakamega County General Hospital after they began experiencing difficulty walking, coupled with weakness and dizziness. Medical teams and health officials are working diligently to determine the underlying cause of this troubling ailment.
Principal Jane Muthoni expressed her deep concern over the situation, “Our primary focus is the well-being of our students. It’s heartbreaking to see them in this condition. We’re working closely with healthcare professionals and authorities to find answers and ensure their swift recovery.”
Parents of the affected students gathered at the hospital, anxious and worried about their children. Mary Njeri, a concerned mother, said, “We want answers. Our daughters were perfectly fine when they left for school. This illness came out of nowhere, and we need to know what’s happening.”
The Kakamega County Health Department has dispatched a team of medical experts to investigate the outbreak. Preliminary tests are being conducted to rule out any infectious diseases. The county health director, Dr. Samuel Kipruto, assured parents and the community that every possible measure is being taken to identify the cause of the illness.
“We are treating this situation with the utmost seriousness,” Dr. Kipruto stated. “We have collected samples for testing, and our team is working closely with the school to gather information about the students’ activities and any potential sources of exposure.”
Local authorities have also urged the public to remain calm and take preventive measures while the investigation is ongoing. They have advised students to report any symptoms promptly to the school nurse.
Irate parents have however stormed the school demanding answers from the school principal over the situation of their daughters. They questioned why the principal has been ignoring their calls.