Transport and business operations have been paralyzed in Kericho town, as Gen z hold protests against Governor Erick Mutai.

Chanting anti-Mutai slogans, they staged demonstrations in various roads in the town before assembling at the Governor’s office.

The protestors called on the governor to resign, accusing him of unfulfilled promises, corruption and misappropriation of funds by the Executive.

“We are displeased with the corruption in the county government. Mutai has also failed to fulfil his promises and we want him to resign,” said one of the protestors, Robert Kikwai.

Earlier, there were fears of a confrontation, after a group of youths armed with batons were seen strolling in the town.

The armed youths however retreated, allowing the protestors to continue with their demonstrations after police intervened.

The protests have remained peaceful so far, with the number of protestors being lower compared to the previous demonstration.

Clerics from the region led by Bishop Henry Cheruiyot rooted for peace, and further urged youths to refrain from destruction of property even as they exercise their democratic rights.

“The youths have a democratic right to stage demonstrations. We however want to ask them to be peaceful and refrain from destruction of property as they do so. We want peace to prevail in the country,” stated Bishop Cheruiyot.

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