
Comedian Oga Obinna has weighed on the situation between Mulamwah and his baby Mama Carol Muthoni alias Sonnie.

In a video he shared on Instagram, Obinna said that in such a situation, there is more to it than what the public knows.

“This is my take on the whole situation. When a man and a woman and a baby are involved, there is normally a lot of things that the outsiders don’t know, that just the two of them know and there is normally one part that is normally not fair to the other part, you never know either it is Mulwamwa or it is Sonnie. Sometimes the part that speaks more is the one that is believed or the one that plays victim  more or the one that doesn’t speak or speaks first, it doesn’t matter, there is normally a lot that people don’t know

“People are taking Mulamwa’s side, others are taking Sonnie’s side. I am taking the baby’s side, how about we allow the baby to see both the parents  and then we balance it from there, through the courts of course because if we leave it to one person, one person will always want to favour themselves. I take the baby’s side,” he said.

On Tuesday, Mulamwah expressed intention to sue Muthoni for child abuse and defamation.

In his law suit notice dated February 4, Mulamwah accused Sonnie of labelling him a deadbeat father yet, he claimed, she was the one who had made co-parenting impossible. He also intends to sue Muthoni because of changing their daughter’s official names without his consent.

The development came shortly after the two threw jabs at each other through a viral challenge on Kenyan baby daddy and baby mama.

As the co-parenting drama unfolds, there have been mixed reactions from Kenyans including celebrities. Jalang’o said that the duo should just be put in a room and finish their issues. Others agreed with him, suggested that the two are still in love and that is why they keep fighting online.

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