Kilifi Televangelist Ezekiel Odero has appealed for leniency against the decision of Communications Authority(CA) to shut down his television New Life TV.

Pastor Ezekiel defended himself  through an appeal before the Communication and Multi-Media Appeals saying his TV station does not broadcast any inappropriate content as accused.

“That the Honorable Director General of the Respondent erred in law and in fact when after dispatching the letter directly to the appellants, outlining various allegations pertaining to the appellant’s television station failed to afford the appellants an opportunity to be heard in accordance with the hallowed principles of natural justice,” Ezekiel’s Lawyer Danstan Omari argued.

The TV channel’s license was revoked after accusations that it’s management was airing inappropriate content on exorcism during watershed period stipulated by the Kenyan government.

Pastor Ezekiel through his lawyers has however denied the charges levelled against his station adding that no notice was issued to him concerning the closure.

Lawyer Omari faulted the CA director Ezra Chiloba’s abrupt move to suspend operations of World Evangelism TV despite the court granting Ezekiel a 45-day grace period to comply and rectify deficiencies.

”It’s essential to underscore that the TV station under scrutiny is exclusively dedicated to propagating the gospel, embodying a mission of promoting goodwill and spiritual guidance. I have consistently and assiduously been engaged in the dissemination of God’s holy message. As an ardent preacher, my tireless efforts are aimed at making the world a better place,” defended Ezekiel.

Ezekilel’s church and TV station came under scrutiny after it was alleged that he bought the station from controversial pastor Paul Mackenzie who is charged with mass deaths of his followers.




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