
Mwijaku A Tanzanian radio presenter has taunted Kenyan number one rapper Khaligraph Jones for losing in the just concluded Trace Music Awards to a Tanzanian artist known as Mwambino

The radio presenter’s remarks comes weeks after singers and rappers in Tanzania went on an online feud with their Kenyan counterparts.

Mwijaku in an interview argued that the”tuma kitu” hitmaker was not known in Tanzania adding that the whole nation did not know the lyrics to any of Khaligraph’s tunes.

“Huku Tanzania si hatumjui kabisaa labda mziki wake haubang mahala yoyote akija Arusha hamna hata  mmoja anajua nyimbo yake,” said Mwijaku

Mwijaku took the jabs to his X account  where he addressed Khaligraph as his younger brother.

He told the rapper that Tanzania was making huge strides in music and the Trace awards was a great testimonial of those strides before demanding for respect from the self proclaimed ”Original Gangster”

“Mdogo ewangu KHALIGRAPH swala la mziki nathani kupitia Trace Music Awards limekupa FUNZO. Tanzania tumepiga hatua. Best East Africa Artist goes to MWAMBINO ukiweka ujinga wake nut unatakiwa utuheshimu juu ya hilooo PUMBAVU wewe,” Mwijaku ranted.

Following the presenter’s tweet, netizens were enraged and as usual came with their comebacks in the comment section.

“If you have an issue confront the OG mwenyewe. STOP behaving like a little boy yet you are a full grown man”

“Sasa hizo awards zenyewe wanaeka wabana pua wote na rappa kwenye category moja, surely… watu watachagua mbana pua coz not everyone loves Hip-hop. hizo awards wangeeka category ya best Rapper East Africa hapo Tanzania hata hawangekua coz marapa wote wakali ni TBT kwao”

”OG makes music For the fans not for the awards.” netizens commented.





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