Just a year after celebrated Kenyan actor Brian Ogana, known as Luwi Hausa, broke up with his sassy girlfriend Dyder Abdallah, alias Mrs Honeybee, the two are now engaged in a public blame game, each pointing fingers at the other for causing their split.
In a recent series of revealing Instagram Q&A sessions, the former couple held nothing back. Brian Ogana was the first to initiate the engagement, and a curious follower seized the moment to inquire about the cause of their breakup.
Luwi candidly disclosed that their relationship came to an end due to Dyder Abdallah’s alleged infidelity.
He shared, “🤔 if the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them.”
Dyder Abdallah, not one to remain silent, responded during her own Q&A session. She refuted Ogana’s claims of cheating, stating that she had moved on to a new relationship several months after their split.
She boldly declared that it was Ogana’s actions that led to the end of their relationship, without explicitly mentioning the details.
While addressing the situation, Abdallah hinted at the possibility of revealing damaging information about their breakup but chose to remain silent for the time being.
“He’s trying to play reverse psychology with me! Anajua who went where but because nanyamaza he thinks I can’t talk,” she stated.
Abdallah further clarified that she had stayed single for a year after ending things with Ogana before entering her current relationship. She defended herself by asserting that Ogana had squandered a chance to reconcile and improve their relationship.
The exchange of accusations and revelations shed light on the tumultuous nature of their split, giving fans an inside look at the relationship’s dynamics.
It’s noteworthy that the breakup between Brian Ogana and Dyder Abdallah occurred around June of the previous year. While the exact reasons for their separation were not initially disclosed, these recent social media interactions have brought their past grievances into the public eye.