
Kennedy Rapudo, the husband to popular socialite Amberay alias Faith Makau has come forward to confirm the domestic violence allegations levelled against him.

The father of three took to his Instagram account to address the concerns surrounding his marriage after his wife accused him of battery.

”There’s been so much activity concerning my marriage in the public domain these last couple of days. Like any other marriage, we’ve had our ups and downs. A lot has been said and I have not had the strength to address it” read part of his post.

Rapudo explained that no marriage was perfect and that theirs was no exception. He confirmed the separation news blaming it on an incident that occurred on  13th September 2023 when the couple was drunk.

Rapudo expressed his deep regrets and apologies for abusing Amberay terming her as the person he swore to love and protect with all that he had.

”Yes, we’ve separated over an incident that happened while we were both drunk on the night of the 13th this month. It’s an event that should never have happened and I feel very sorry and in deep regret that it happened mostly to the person I swore to love and protect with all that I had” he wrote.

Rapudo however bashed the accusations slamming him as a habitual abuser. He explained that he had never hit the mother of his lastborn before the drunken incident.

He summed it up as an act committed during his moment of weakness before condemning domestic violence as a father to two beautiful girls.

”What caught me by surprise is how the writer chose her words! One single isolated incident doesn’t mean that I am a violent person- Ive never been and I will never be.I’m raising two beautiful girls and I would never advocate for domestic violence or any type of gender based violence” he explained.

The controversial socialite set the internet a blaze on Friday night after sharing a series of posts on her Instagram stories where she accused her husband of physical and emotional abuse.

The mother of two stated that she had tolerated the abuse for a while before empathasizing with women who have gone through abuse at the hands of people they trusted.





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