A woman hailing from Kakamega county has file a divorce seeking to legally detach herself from her husband of seven years for allegedly being denied conjugal rights for over five years in their marriage.
The lady who goes by the name Anne Nekoye Nalianya,a mother of four told the court that her husband who is a respected teacher and a priest never touched her since 2019.
She further revealed that her marriage with the teacher cum priest is marred with a lot of misunderstandings making the abilty of their family to co exist well unbearable.
“My husband denies me conjugal rights. I seek divorce for it is now almost five years since we had intimacy with my husband,” Nalianya said.
In his defense her husband who is identified as Nicodemus Vilembwa told the court that despite the accusation brought against him, his wife Nalianya left their matrimonial home in 2016.
” We have been having misunderstanding since the third day of our marriage. she left home the same year,” Nicodemus said.
Nalianya however claims that she left her husband in 2021 and not 2016 adding that she is also burdened with loan she took to cover their marriage expenses.
The grounds for divorce in Kenya stands that a partner must prove that their partners is at fault.
The faults include cruelty, desertion,denial of conjugal rights, adultery and insanity.
The couple is awaiting for the final verdict next month on September 20th.