DJ Slahver has confirmed that he has parted ways with Dr. Ofweneke’s ex-wife Nicah the Queen.
Slahver said that they did not fight or quarrel over anything but the breakup came in handy.
“For someone’s mental health unahitaji hio break especially as a man. Hakuna mtu amevurugana mwenzake nitakuwa nikidanganya nikisema ati tumepigana, tumegombana, no. Nawezasema vitu zingine ni Mungu tu,” he told radio presenter Ankali Ray
Asked on whether they completely can’t solve the issue that led to their breakup, Slahver said that the announcement of their split didn’t come randomly as it had been something between them for sometime, hence the reason why they have been offline for some time.
He however admitted that his financial issues have played a big part in their separation. Slahver admitted that he went broke after being scammed while organizing Chris Brown show and since then, he has never bounced back.
“Last year, kuna event nilikuwa napanga ya Chris Brown hapo ndio kila kitu ilianza. Hio event nilikuwa nimepartner na jamaa wengine wawili mmoja Muburundi anaishi Dubai kuna mwingine mwenye sikuwa namjua so sikuwa najua ni macon. Through that show nilikuwa scammed na sijawahienda public juu ni kitu ilihusisha polisi, sio hata polisi wa kawaida, Interpol. It was an international case ikaniaffect nikaresign job.
“Kumekuwa na challenges hapa kule, kukakuwa na elections, sikukuu ikakuja tukarecord ile reality show ya Oh Sister. Nimekuwa nikibattle depression chini ya maji. Nimepoteza pesa, nilikopa pesa za watu ju ya hio show hadi wa sasa sijawezakulipa. Nawezasema sanasana ni mambo ya finances,” he explained.
Ankali further wanted to know if Nicah wasn’t patient enough about his situation. The DJ however said that had stood with him and he can’t speak ill of her. He further dispelled any claims of cheating between them.
“Amevumilia, amenishikilia, siwezimuongelea vibaya but maybe after nimesharudi, nimerudisha vitu zangu poa maybe we can reconsider that. In the meantime saa hizi mimi niko kwa kiwanja saa hizi focus yangu sana ni hustle,” he said.
At the same time, Nicah also insisted that they had truly broken up and they were not chasing clout. She however was reluctant in providing further information.