
Citizen TV’s senior political reporter Stephen Letoo has revealed that his wedding, which went down last Saturday at the Ole Ntimama stadium, left him with mixed reactions.

Speaking to a local media outlet, Letoo said that he was happy and embarrassed because of the turnout, yet he had set up space for only 10,000 guests.

“The turnout surprised me. I only set up space for 10, 000 in the tents and was surprised to get the stadium full. I was happy and embarrassed at the same time. Had I known there would be a lot of people who could occupy the terraces, I would have hired cleaners to wash them because they were dusty,” he said.

At the same time, Letoo turned down the honeymoon offer that he was given by EALA MP David Sankok. Sankok offered Letoo and his wife honeymoon at an extra-ordinary sanctuary in Narok County.

“I won’t be going there. It is very cold and rainy now. Mrembo asiende huko ashtuke huko kuna baridi. That will be the last honeymoon destination we will go to once the rainy season over,” he told a local media outlet.

Letoo’s wedding excited the Kenyan public, as many assumed that he would be marrying multiple wives, because of his intense support for polygamy. Also, the unique wedding cake captured the attention of many.

Apparently, the cake, made in an image of a lion,  was baked by three bakers at a cost of Kshs150,000.

“The stadium cake was Kshs477,000 and the committee asked us to do a lion instead and other small cakes. The lion cos Kshs150,000. It took us a day to bake and two days to decorate. We transported it from Nairobi to Narok using a car,| Phylis Auma, who was the lead baker from Palsey cakes and pastries, said.

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